Jawaban Identify What Style of Language Used in The Conversation and Explain Your Answer

Jawaban Tugas Bahasa Inggris
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Untuk menjawab pertanyaan kaitannya dengan Identify what style of language used in the conversation and explain your answer, tentunya pahami dulu secara seksama dibawah ini.

Berikut adalah referensi jawaban tugas 1 tutorial online Bahasa Inggris tentang identifikasi ragam bahasa dalam sebuah percakapan.

Dies Natalis ke-30 UPH Hadirkan Layanan Publik, Pererat Hubungan Sivitas Akademika dengan Mitra

Deskripsi :

Helen: Hey, Jane!

Simak Ini Jawaban Tugas; Manajer Hartono Merasa Prihatin dengan Para Pelanggannya Saat Ini

Jane: Oh hey, I didn’t see you there. Did you already get a table?

Helen: Yeah, right over here.

Jane: I’m glad we had time to meet up.

Helen: Me too. So, what’s going on?

Jane: Oh, not much. You?

Helen: Not much. Hey, how did your interview go? Wasn’t that today?

Jane: Oh, yeah. I think it went well. I don’t know if I got the job yet, but they said they would call in a few days.

Helen: Well, I’m sure you did great. Good luck.

Jane: Thanks. I’m just happy that it’s over. I was really nervous about it. Helen: I can understand that. I get nervous before interviews, too. Jane: Well, thanks for being supportive. I appreciate it.

Helen: Sure, no problem.


Pertanyaan / Questions 

1. Identifikasi ragam bahasa apakah yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut dan jelaskan alasannya. / Identify what style of language used in the conversation and explain your answer. 

2. Identifikasi topik percakapan tersebut. / Identify the topic of the conversation.

Jawaban :

1. Style of language used in the conversation is an informal language. It is because it's a conversation between friends in a casual way.

2. The topic of the conversation is about Jane's experience at a job interview.

Pembahasan :

Style of language yang digunakan dalam percakapan di atas adalah berjenis percakapan informal dalam situasi yang casual atau santai. 

Ini bisa kita lihat dari bahasa yang digunakan seperti:

Hey, Jane! (Hei Jane!)

Oh hey, I didn’t see you there. (Oh hey, aku tak melihatmu di situ.)

So, what’s going on? (Gimana kabarnya?)

Oh, not much. You? (Nggak banyak. Kamu?)

Topik percakapan di atas adalah antara sesama teman yang membicarakan pengalaman Jane dalam mengikuti interview kerja.

Alternatif Jawaban : 

1. The style of language is written in informal form The reason is it is because a converstion between a friend Hellen dan Jane menggunakan kalimat yang informal.

2. "How did your interview go?" = Get a Job The topic is about getting a job

1. a. The sentence above is a casual sentence, because there are several abbreviated words (I'm, What's and so on) as well as popular sentences used in the conversation. and the conversation is a conversation between friends where in general or it is our habit to use casual sentences to talk to each other.

b. According to my identification, the conversation above is a casual conversation. which contains a conversation between two people who are looking for a job and are waiting for the results of a job interview.

Diatas adalah pembahasan tugas 1 Bahasa Inggris tentang Identify what style of language used in the conversation and explain your answer.