Jawaban Identify What Style of Language Used in The Conversation and Explain Your Answer

Jawaban Tugas Bahasa Inggris
Sumber :
  • Pixabay

Oh, not much. You? (Nggak banyak. Kamu?)

Topik percakapan di atas adalah antara sesama teman yang membicarakan pengalaman Jane dalam mengikuti interview kerja.

Alternatif Jawaban : 

1. The style of language is written in informal form The reason is it is because a converstion between a friend Hellen dan Jane menggunakan kalimat yang informal.

2. "How did your interview go?" = Get a Job The topic is about getting a job

1. a. The sentence above is a casual sentence, because there are several abbreviated words (I'm, What's and so on) as well as popular sentences used in the conversation. and the conversation is a conversation between friends where in general or it is our habit to use casual sentences to talk to each other.

b. According to my identification, the conversation above is a casual conversation. which contains a conversation between two people who are looking for a job and are waiting for the results of a job interview.